If the border country of Scotland saw the birh of the breed, it was nearby Northumberland which later produced the strain now famous throughout the whole world. In 1893, Adam Telfer, a farmer living in Otterburn, mated a couple of his dogs, Roy and Meg, and produced one called Old Hemp, which might be regarded as the foundation sire of the breed as it is now. Indeed, Hemp was early recognised as the very quintessence of the working sheepdog, and his services were in great demand. Not only did he produce some two hundred puppies before he died in 1901, but he seems to have been capable of transmitting his own prepotency to his offspring, with the result that Border Collie pedigrees are about as clearly defined as any in the livestock world.
The breed was established in New Zealand and the U.S.A. but it was not until 1976 that the Border Collie was recognised as a breed for show purposes in the United Kingdom. It has been established that,first and foremost, the Border Collie evolved as a working dog, and this is still his prime function unlike other breeds,whose usefulness has been lost in our modern way of life. They are now firmly established as a most versatile and adaptable breed and are being shown in ever-increasing numbers,whilst their numbers are increasing in the Obedience field- where they show a natural ability for this type of work, serveral of them having spectacular wins to their credit.